Research projects
1. 植物病原細菌の病原性の解析
/ Elucidation of the pathogenicity of phytopathogenic bacteria.
2. 植物病害の発生過程における宿主特異性決定機構の分子的解析 /
Molecular analysis of host specificity determination mechanisms in the development of plant diseases.
3. MAMP応答性リン酸化タンパク質による免疫応答制御機構の解明/
Regulatory mechanisms of the immune response via MAMP-responsive phosphoproteins.
4. 植物病原細菌の病原力発現機構の解明 /
Understanding the virulence mechanisms in phytopathogenic bacteria.
Research topics
(*Not all ongoing research is described)
To protect plants from the invasion of phytopathogens, we study virulence factors of phytopathogens and the molecular basis of plant disease resistance by biochemical, molecular biological and genetic investigations.
Elucidation of the pathogenicity of phytopathogenic bacteria.
植物病原細菌Pseudomonas syringae には異なる植物を宿主とする多くの病原型が存在します。本菌の病原性にはタイプIII分泌機構, 毒素生産, 運動能, 菌体密度感知機構, バイオフィルム形成能力などを必要としていますが, それら病原性因子が感染のどの段階で必要とされるのか, 病原性遺伝子の時間・空間的発現制御機構を明らかにします。
The phytopathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae has many pathogens that host a variety of plants. The pathogenicity of this bacterium requires Type III Effectors, toxin production, chemotaxis, motility, quorum sensing mechanisms and biofilm-forming capacity, and aims to determine at which stage of infection these virulence factors are required and the regulatory mechanisms of spatiotemporal expression of virulence genes

Regulatory mechanisms of the immune response via MAMP-responsive phosphoproteins.
Plants have defence mechanisms to protect themselves from infection by various pathogens. Receptors in the plasma membrane recognise the basic structures of micro-organisms and transmit signals downstream to induce a defence response. Understanding these defence mechanisms is essential for efficient breeding. Many MAMP receptors have protein phosphatase moieties and use them as signals to induce various defence responses by inducing protein phosphorylation immediately after MAMP recognition. We are working to understand plant immunity by elucidating the function of a group of proteins whose phosphorylation is induced in Pattern-triggered immunity.

Understanding the virulence mechanisms in phytopathogenic bacteria.
Plant pathogenic bacteria have evolved various molecular mechanisms to establish infection in host plants. Even phytopathogenic bacteria that can establish infection in host plants vary in virulence. Elucidating the molecular mechanisms that are important for the virulence of phytopathogenic bacteria is expected to lead to the development of efficient drugs for disease control and the establishment of infection prevention methods. Currently, we are clarifying the differences in virulence between several strains of bacteria and searching for the gene regions important for virulence by comparative genomic analysis.

Chemotaxis receptor complex
Plant pathogenic bacteria attempt to invade through stomata or natural openings to establish infection in the host plant. So, how do bacteria sense the stomata and natural openings of plant pathogens? One answer to this can be attributed to the motility of bacteria called chemotaxis. Chemotaxis is known to involve 'positive chemotaxis,' where bacteria move towards a direction by sensing chemicals with receptors, and 'negative chemotaxis,' where bacteria avoid and flee from the direction of the sensed chemicals. Currently, we are focusing on the chemotaxis of Pseudomonas and advancing our research to understand what plant pathogenic bacteria recognize and how it works advantageously for infecting the host plant.